
Wednesday, October 26, 2011


It's been a while since I've written here.  I went to Seattle to celebrate both my father's and my birthday over the weekend of the 15th.  We planned a surprise birthday party for my Dad so he had no idea that a) he'd be coming home to a house full of people and b) that after he saw all of our friends and family that I was still hiding in the back of he house for a second surprise! :)  The trip was awesome and as always it was hard to leave everyone behind...but I do love Montana.  It's been a gorgeous Autumn and we couldn't have asked for prettier colors or better weather this late in the season. 

Upon returning from my mini-vacation I found Aspen in the pasture with a huge cut and her leg swelled up from the hock down.  It was so large that she couldn't flex the joint and had to swing it out to take a step on it.  She couldn't walk straight because of this and was forced to crab walk everywhere.  It appears that she must have injured herself Tuesday or Wednesday due to the amount of swelling in the leg by the time I saw her on Friday.  I found one sprinkler knocked down on the hand line and upon examination of the downed sprinkler head we found a bunch of hair and blood, so it seems she was running through the pasture and bashed her leg into the head of the sprinkler.  I had the vet out who sedated her, got her all cleaned up, gave me some antibiotics and anti-inflammatory meds for her.  She's fully weight bearing on it, the cut appears to be healing well, but she's not totally sound on it yet.  I'm hoping within the next week we'll see improved soundness otherwise we might opt for x-rays to see if any damage was done to the joint.  She's been great letting me doctor it by myself without having to be tied - I guess this is good for our bonding and Friendly Game.  I'm disappointed not to be able to ride in this awesome weather in addition to having to cancel my Friday lesson with 2* Jenny Trainor but alas this is how life goes sometimes.  It could all be much worse, from the severity of the injury to the weather I could be doctoring her leg in. 

Please send healing thoughts our way!







10/25 - some of that gunk is medicine that wasn't washed off yet.




10/26 - Aspen helping herself to the apples in the back of the truck :)


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